We are a net zero agency
We believe that all organisations have a part to play in the urgent actions required to tackle climate change. As a creative agency, our company’s emissions are – comparatively – small, but we strive to be a sustainable business and must do our bit towards achieving a more sustainable future. In May 2024, we became a net zero agency.
We are leading by example
Although we already have a specialist understanding of climate change through the sustainability marketing we do with our clients, we believe it is important to lead by example. We have partnered with a reforestation project that is restoring 1,000 acres of rainforest habitat in the South West of England.
We have also prepared and published our first – and industry-leading – TCFD report, which details our carbon emissions and how we’re reducing them. For your copy of our TCFD report, please email hello@wardour.co.uk.

We are reducing our emissions
Even as an agency of our size, we understand that reducing our carbon footprint is critical, so are taking a proactive position in our decarbonisation activities. To incentivise us to decarbonise as quickly as possible, we have partnered with climate action platform OneTribe to employ offsets, which align with 10 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

We are offsetting through the Mataven Jungle Indigenous Guardianship Project, which unifies indigenous communities to protect biodiversity and preserve cultural heritage in Columbia, and a wide-scale regenerative agriculture carbon removal project in Germany.
We understand this is not a long-term solution, but it allows us to proudly commit to our sustainability journey and, most importantly, to continue to work towards considerably reducing our carbon footprint.
Read more about our offsets on our OneTribe impact page.

We partner with the experts
With the introduction of more detailed and complex disclosure requirements, we have partnered with Canbury to provide our clients with in-house sustainability consultancy. This brings Canbury’s expertise to our global client base, particularly those few in energy-intensive sectors, whom we encourage to be better, more sustainable businesses.
To learn more about our sustainable business practices or how we can support you with yours, email hello@wardour.co.uk.

We’d like to congratulate Wardour on the recognition that their hard work towards achieving emissions reduction has received. Like them, we take our responsibility to the climate extremely seriously. Our shared commitment to finding ways to reduce our negative impacts while helping to fund the transition to a low-carbon economy has resulted in some of our most engaging content pieces, created in partnership. We were delighted to be alongside the Wardour team in winning a Corporate Content Award for ‘Best content targeted towards the CSR community’. We’re looking forward to seeing what’s next on Wardour’s journey as they travel towards a sustainable future.
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